Saint-Germain l’Auxerrois
Paris is a city of surprises. Like all surprises, they present when you least expect them. They respect neither place nor time. Saint-Germain l’Auxerrois was one such experience hard to forget.
Paris is a city of surprises. Like all surprises, they present when you least expect them. They respect neither place nor time. Saint-Germain l’Auxerrois was one such experience hard to forget.
Getting a decent view of the works of art while visiting the Palace of Versailles is an exercise in futility. Try standing back in the Palace to get an appreciation of a six-metre long tapestry without a bunch of noisy school kids or intrepid tourists getting in the way.
Inspired by the Karaouine Mosque in Fez, the old capital of Morocco, the Grande Mosquée de Paris combines ceramics, engravings, sculptures and calligraphy to provide a peaceful retreat amid the hustle and bustle of the French capital.
Sèvres Cité de la Céramique is a state-owned ceramic manufacturing site and museum on the outskirts of Paris with a ceramic collection from antiquity onwards and retained skills since the 18th century.
Paris is the organ capital of the world, housing 234 instruments, 126 of which are the property of the City of Paris. With nearly 8,000 pipes, the organ of Saint-Eustache is considered one of the most prestigious in France alongside that of Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris.
Sit down on the north steps of Saint-Étienne du Mont at midnight, wait for the chime of the bells, and dream of a Paris long-gone. Perhaps, a 1920 Peugeot Landaule will drive by and whisk you away to a lively party at a timeless location in the City of Light.